Friday, March 28, 2008

Extra extra, read all about it!! Stupendous Spider saves the world again!

Stupendous Spider Strikes Again: An in depth report by Alice Y. Porsche

At approximately 11:37 a.m on March 28th, Stupendous Spider was spotted in his usual haunt of a kitchen window sill. SS, has he is known for short, was sighted during his take down of the notorious "Fly Boy". There was a warrant for Fly Boy's arrest, citing charges for disrupting the peace, harassment of family pets and defacement of public property.

Stupendous Spider (who made head lines when he single handedly captured and ate The Wasp two days ago), was unavailable for comment regarding his latest exploits, but there were eyewitnesses who were willing to share what they saw.

"I was just washing the window sill, and I heard Fly Boy buzzing near by", recalls Milly Malone, resident of Hothem City, " and I had heard on the news he was dangerous, so I backed up towards the fridge".

What happened next is usually only seen in horror movies and comic books.

"Fly Boy landed on the sill and pulled out some spray paint and was getting ready to let is loose when BAM! Stupendous Spider jumps out from his little hidey hole, wraps Fly Boy and spirits him away to his cave" remembers Ms. Malone.

Shaking her head, she adds,
"I don't think we will be having trouble with Fly Boy anymore".

Says bystander Clem Clediddlehopper,
"It was really scary. I was afraid that there was going to be a huge fight, so I ran to the safety of the backyard and my guard dog, Snarky".

Continues Ms. Clediddlehopper,
"I could hear Milly gasp, then start clapping, and I could hear SS bundle Fly Boy up in a matter of seconds, but I wasn't going in until it was confirmed to be safe".

Police are speculating Stupendous Spider has given Fly Boy the same treatment he gave The Wasp a few short days ago. Fly Boy has been taken off the Wanted list, so it can be assumed the big wigs believe there is no longer any threat.

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